Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Sup sup! How are we doing? I hope we are all doing fine? I am. I am so excited, i am going to Nigeria for some time and i will be leaving soon. Sorry i haven't really been active here, its cos i have been dead busy. I have been running around for the preparation of my trip. Anyways there's something i have been willing to chat about but due to some reasons i decided to shut up.But recently i have been seeing alot of things that wanna make me express myself on this issue. Oya lemme ask you lovelies, would you allow your daughter to date at 13?Ok 16? The other day i was going home, i sat at the bus stop patiently waiting for my bus when i was this girl and her boyfriend, i swear she can't be older than 16, they were technically forcing tongues in each other's throat, you guys need to see my facial expression, it was like.....    I thought to myself shouldn't she be at home? because it was around past 8pm. There were times i have seen teenage girls  hanging out and cuddling boys at ungodly hours.Is this because we are in the 21st century? I remember when i was 16, God knows i wasn't allowed all these. My mum was so strict about any issue concerning boys. Who born my maga to be talking and flirting with boys not to mention having boyfriend... But..but i had my first boyfriend when i was 15 and my mum didn't know about it and the relationship didn't even last for a month because i was so scared my mum would find out and i was kinda scared of the guy too because he was about 18. I didn't have my next one till i was 20. What age would you allow your daughter to start a relationship? As for me, when she's 23 .. OK 19. loll. Let me know what you think people.


9jaFOODie said...

Hummm.... I think kids of today( me acting all old n stuff lol) are overexposed, when i was 16, I had just finished highschool and I was still very much against having a boyfriend, but times are different now.I don't think there is very much parents of today can do.

Anonymous said...

I agree 19 might be a good but who knows. I didn't start dating till I was 20, 21 and that my was choice to wait because I did not see the point of having a boyfriend and then breaking up and not wanting to talk to that person ever again (thats what always happened in my high school here in the I believe once my daughter is in college maybe her second year or so. But only God knows how it will all play out.

Mimi B said...

18 or 21 depending on my mood. at 16, it's a good idea to just be friends.

Ginger said...

I wouldn't approve it, I wouldn't sanction it, but I am real enough to know kids are doing it, heck I knew girls in primary/sec school who were doing stuff. This was Nigeria!In the 90s for that happens.

Prism of an Immigrant said...

For me it's simple: no dating in high school. You gotta wait till college.

@ilola said...

It os not really about 'allowing', cos kids will still do what they want and hide it. Its more abut 'counselling' and letting the child see why casual relationships are actually a waste of time. After counselling, then follow up should be done

AFalomo said...

I second @ilola's opinion. It's helping the kids to make a better decisions for themselves. Informing them, and letting them know the realities of what they are getting into. Whether or not I forbid them, they are still going to wanna try it anyways (unless we are just trying to deceive ourselves, lol) "Thou shalt not have sex or a boyfriend/girlfriend" hardly ever works.

Oluwaseun S. said...

As, for me, I think I would allow my daughter to start dating at the age of 20. I think that's a right age. Lol. But, I would have had a discussion with her about dating, relationship, sex, friendship and all sorts. I think the most important thing is having a strong and loving relationship with one's daughter. In that case, they would be bold enough to come to you for questions or concerns them have. If they trust you, there won't be anything they can't tell or talk to you about. And, with God's help...all will be well.

Ope Adebayo said...

@9jaFoodie: Children of nowadays are just too eager to grow up.I don't knwo why they can't wait.

@Funmi: You are right, only God know how it will all play right.

@Mimi B: Depending on your mood? That's funny.

Ginger: So true! I attended a secondary that had the Primary, Secondary and the University all together and there was this girl in Primary 4 and she used to sleep with the University guys( well i heard so).I couldn't and still cannot phantom the reason why she would do that.

@ Prism of an Immigrant: Hehehe.

@ @tilola and aeWHYoh: Hmm... you guys are right in a way. Because kids will do it and hide it. It's only the grace of God that can sustain us.

@ *SweetlyBroken*: What you said is actually true. Talking to them about sex and all could help.

Thanks guys for reading and commenting.